Pet rats are very easy to maintain but dont think they are content to just be put in a cage and left
to entertain themselves, they need and want human attention and interaction. They love to be talked to
and played with and especially look forward to "free time" outside of their cage.

They could spend hours outside their cage in the same room but will continuously search as if every
corner and every space holds a new adventure. I have so much fun just watching them!

Beluga and Nola are the most curious, no area of the room will be untouched with them around

Hot Boy taking a slide down the futon
Carlos playing under the covers
Beluga trying to figure out a way to get into the futon

I caught Dante running off with a cigarette, the little thief!

Hot Boy in a cinder block

Beluga playing with a cup

Dante always bullies the stuffed animals!

Fahris in a cat-tree house



Nola is a very nosy girl and sometimes she's pretty clumsy too but don't worry, she didn't actually

This is my adorable Ruthie who looks 4 months old but is 2 years old.
Fahris doesn't like to share his ball with his other 3 cagemates
